well, it’s finished! it’s a “tri-slot” extensible sensorbar, with a switch and a power indicator.
Homemade Wii SensorBar 2
i found my gpu fan burned on sundey and only yesterday i could buy a new one.. well.. i haven’t do the sensorbar because i missed some component and i lost my car on a car accident 1 week ago..
now i’ve got all. maybe tomorrow i’ll start to do it. here a photo about the circuit that i’m going to solder.
Homemade Wii SensorBar 1
Here is the circuit..and those are the specifications..
Resistor: from 70 to 82 ohm (i found 82 ohm)
infrared led: 1.3-1.8V & 10-20mA
well, i did it and it’s working well.. and i discovered that i bought 2 burned out led on 4.. :\
tomorrow i’ll go to buy some new led and i’ll start to craft a better bar.
everything will be documented 🙂
Homemade Wii SensorBar 0
hello guys! i went to 15 shops to search the wii and i didn’t find one! :\ now i booked one on the net.. i think that i have to wait a month..
well but i’m also building my own sensorbar for play on pc with my wiimote! (i found the last wiiplay XD)
The House of the Dead is the ideal title!
and now some images about the WIP lotti’s sensorbar
MancalaDS v2.0: sound bug (fixed)
mancalaDS v2.0 as christmas gift
well, i’m waiting for HtheB’s theme song for the last version of mancalaDS.. but i don’t know when he will give it to me and i’m leaving home on 26th of december.. so i publish the latest version of mancalaDS and i hope to upgrade it with theme song the next year 🙂 merry christmas and happy new year to all 🙂
P.S.: i just want to remember how you can help me to improve this new version:
Send me sounds that are in the game (but without noise, high quality). mp3/wav/raw doesn’t make differences.
MancalaDS v2.0
MancalaDS v2.0 Source Code
about MancalaDS v2.0 indiscretions
UPDATE: HtheB will do the theme song for my game.
hello guys.. mancalaDS v2.0 it’s almost complete.. i need only a theme song.. however, let’s see the improvements:
-Sprites Changed
-Added Animations (pretty cool)
-Added Sounds (mmm i haven’t found them on the net.. so i have to capture them plugging cable form line out to line in :\. infact they have a bit of noise)
-Everything is Mario’s Style, now.
How you can help me? Oh it’s simple! just send me sounds that are in the game (but without noise, high quality). mp3/wav/raw doesn’t make differences.
Video: boost up the volume
and now belongs to us! (MancalaDS v1.5 out!)
UPDATE 20061218 – 21.18the “i’m not going to switch the screens, so you’ll got the menu all missed up” is now fixed. please redownload the game/sources. Thanks to ozroc for the report!
UPDATE 2.54am
i fixed some little graphic things and added some keys functionality. i think now it’s the true final v1.5.
Soooooo.. finally it’s done! wow, i made my first automata!
i’m enough tired, but it’s finished for now (do you remember? i promised new gfx..). now it has a skilled AI (easy and normal) so now you can play solo mode. another interesting function it’s the “watch a game” mode.. pretty useless, but i put it in for people that like to watch their nds while is playing alone (i’m one of them).
what else? oh well, the ai levels.
easy: ai first try to do the best capture move and if it isn’t available, do a random move
normal: ai first try to do a perfect move, then try the best capture move and if they aren’t available, do a random move
hard: i haven’t coded an hard level, beacuse it’s not so simple and maybe i’m missing knowledges and i don’t feel like doing it now.
i didn’t test it very well because i’m tired. i hope you will find bugs or improvements and then report them to me for a fix. i’ll fix them, promise 🙂
here it comes the download links.
MancalaDS v1.5
MancalaDS v1.5 Source Code
MancalaDS 1.5 nearly done
another night has nearly gone and mancalaDS it’s growing very fast.
This night i added the possibility to choose how many beans to start with. it was a gbarl user suggestion, at this time i can’t remember who asked for it. I predispose the game structure to fit the singleplayer game too. All it’s ready and working.. what it misses? the AI.. i think i could develop it well after some nice hours of sleep.
hey guys! take a look to tagDS it’s a very nice 2player game made by tassu. [download here]
MancalaDS v1.0 out!
so, i solved the weird bug that was afflicting a sprite. the solution? it was setted to 16colors on pagfx.ini when it needed to be 256colors.. very weird bug.
now it works well and i’m ready to publish it. just take it 🙂
MancalaDS v1.0